The Bathurst RSL Club is committed to the privacy and protection of member, visitor, and staff information. To view the complete Privacy Policy or refer to the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ documents for members and visitors, please visit https://www.bathurstrsl.com.au/privacy-policy
As a member of the Bathurst RSL Club, you will enjoy the benefit of being part of our Gold Rewards member loyalty program, which includes entry to members promotions, member discounts, loyalty benefits and point accrual. Information leaflets are available from Front Reception.
A full copy of the loyalty program terms and conditions can be obtained via Club Reception upon request.
Note that loyalty point balances for Gold, Emerald & Sapphire members are zeroed at the end of trade on the 31st day of March each year unless otherwise communicated.
If at any point you do not wish to be part of this program, kindly forward your request in writing or via email addressed to the CEO so we can deactivate your account.
Membership cards are encoded with a generic PIN number. You are urged to personalise your PIN number through the loyalty kiosk(s). Reception staff are happy to assist you upon request. The security of points on your card is your responsibility. The Club accepts no responsibility for points redeemed illegitimately from membership cards.
The Gaming Machines Act and subsequent `Regulation(s) aim to ensure licensed venues adopt responsible practices for gambling activities. The Bathurst RSL Club is committed to the principle of Responsible Conduct of Gaming, governed by internal policy, and recognises that a large number of members and guests who participate in gaming activities within our venues do so responsibly and do so as an enjoyable activity.
We do, however, also recognise that in some cases, gambling can cause grievances, and as such, gambling help information and contact cards are readily available for anyone at any time. Members can also scan our OK2PLAY QR code to receive assistance within minutes. Information about OK2PLAY and other services is located throughout gaming areas or you can reach out to our staff, who can provide initial assistance and direction towards available gambling help services.
A gambling self-exclusion scheme is active at the Bathurst RSL Club, whereby an individual is able to, at their own request, enter into a legal deed to prevent them from entering or remaining in any area of a licensed venue.
At a minimum, the restricted area must be the poker machines area(s) for a minimum term of six (6) months. Exclusion from multiple licensed venues in the local area can be included in the one deed.
In the event a self-excluded individual is identified to be in breach of their deed in a venue, staff are entitled to use no more force than is reasonable in the circumstances to:
a) Prevent a participant from entering the nominated area of the venue, and...
b) Remove a participant from the nominated area.
Keno and TAB wagering may also be included in the gaming self-exclusion program.
A typical self-exclusion process can be executed by a Bathurst RSL Club Duty Manager or by a gambling counselling service offsite.
For a private and confidential appointment to obtain more information on our self-exclusion programs, please contact the Bathurst RSL Club Duty Manager on 02 63332999, or request to speak with the Duty Manager when on-premise. Further details can be found at https://www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au/community-and-stakeholders/community-support/self-exclusion-from-the-casino-and-gaming-venues
If you are concerned about a loved one’s gambling, ask our staff how you can help. Information about family initiated exclusion is also available at Front Reception and on our website. You can also call ClubSAFE Counselling on 1800 99 77 66 or email them on clubsafe@clubsnsw.com.au or visit this website https://www.clubsnsw.com.au/gamingcodeofpractice
The Bathurst RSL Club offers Liquor Self Exclusion assistance. If you need assistance with any liquor problem, please contact the Duty Manager on 63332999. A photo will be required to complete the exclusion form. https://www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au/community-and-stakeholders/community-support/self-exclusion-from-liquor-venues
Staff are required to touch base with patrons and will check on your welfare if you are observed to have been gambling for 3 or more hours continuously, have reached a voluntary pre-commitment limit, are showing signs of distress or if a family member has raised concerns about your gambling.
If at any time a player displays any level of distress or hardship the Duty Manager will offer Player information about counselling and self exclusion and the player will be asked to take a break from gambling for a period of 24 hours (minimum). This break does not require the player to cease using the Club’s other facilities.
We welcome the opportunity to hear all feedback and correct the problems and concerns of patrons. Management is always available to listen to your praise, suggestions or grievances.
Duty Managers are the primary contact points for positive feedback, complaints, disputes and recommendations, being equipped to handle a multitude of scenarios on the spot. Alternatively, a Feedback form is available from Front Reception for your use.
In the event a complaint cannot be handled satisfactorily by a Duty Manager at an Operational Management level, it will be forwarded to the CEO, who will respond as soon as practical if contact details have been provided.
We will do our best to resolve any issue and/or concerns within 30 days.